Monday, April 30, 2012

House of Delegates 2012

A strong Kent Delegation represented West Michigan physicians at the MSMS House of Delegates in Dearborn, MI on April 27-29.  Members participated in Reference Committees defending resolutions authored by KCMS physicians. 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Diana Bitner, MD

Kent County Medical Society Member, Dr. Diana Bitner was highlighted on WOOD TV8’s  eightWest for being the keynote speaker at a Women's Health Event with the Spectrum Health Medical Group titled “Doctor Dialogue: Healthy Aging in an Unhealthy World.”

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Phillip G. Wise, MD-Autism Insurance Legislation

Phillip G. Wise, MD, KCMS President-Elect (pictured right), was on hand with Lt. Governor, Brian Calley, to sign Autism Insurance Legislation. The bill requires insurance companies to pay for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis and treatment for children up to age 18. The legislation will also cover occupational therapy (OT) for sensory-based interventions and speech therapy. For more information on this bill, visit

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

District Briefing Dinner 2012

The Kent Delegation participated in a District Briefing Dinner for District 5 at Bistro Bella Vita.  The Delegation prepared for the MSMS House of Delegates where eight resolutions were proposed by Kent County Delegation, led by Domenic Federico, MD.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Robyn S. Hubbard, MD

Dr. Robyn Hubbard, a Kent County Medical Society Member and an OB/GYN with Grand Rapids Women's Health was featured on the WZZM13 Healthy You Segment. Dr. Hubbard was a featured guest during their "Just Ask: How to Handle Heavy Periods" segment.