Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dr. William Cunningham accepts position at MSUCOM

Dr. William Cunningham has accepted a position at Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine effective January 1, 2011.  He will be reporting to Dean Strampel and will focus on the presence of osteopathic medicine in West Michigan.

Dr. Cunningham will have additional external duties with Metro Health as assigned to him by Mr. Faas and will have a MSUCOM office in the Physician Office Building.  Dr. Cunningham has been with the Metro Health team for twenty-one years.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Honoring Congressman Vern Ehlers

The Kent County Medical Society and Kent County Osteopathic Association would like to thank the 100+ members that joined us in honoring retiring Congressman Vern Ehlers and attending the Candidates' Forum.

KCMS and KCOA would also like to thank the candidates who were able to join us and participate in the candidates’ quarrel/forum.

Friday, September 17, 2010

We are adding a new date to our CME Event!

    Saturday Morning-January 22, 2011
    Saturday Morning-February 26, 2011

CME Educational Opportunity