Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tom Peterson, MD named Executive Director for Quality, Safety and Community Health

Tom Peterson, MD, has been promoted to executive director of quality, safety and community health at Helen DeVos Children's Hospital. Peterson previously served as the medical director of quality with the children's hospital and medical director for Spectrum Health Healthier Communities.

Dr. Peterson will direct safety and quality initiatives. He will provide leadership to achieve national best practice performance levels in patient safety and will direct implementation of evidence-based medicine practice.  He will represent the hospital on a local, regional and national level to promote children's health and community advocacy. 

Dr. Peterson is a graduate of Intermountain Health Care's Advanced Training Program in Health Care Delivery Improvement and the Harvard School of Public Health project management certificate program.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Dr. Donald Condit & Dr. Patrick Droste

Doctors Donald Condit and Patrick Droste were recently mentioned in the Business Section of the Grand Rapids Press (September 27, 2010 VOL. 28, NO. 40) in the article titled "Reaction to Pennant Health Alliance" (front page and continued on page 4).

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Holiday card requests

Requests for the KMF holiday card contributions will be sent out soon. Watch your mail. Donations will be due November 15.

Get involved in changing the future

Are there aspects of medicine that you believe can be improved with the right input by physicians? Do you believe you can help guide future legislative action to make positive change in the delivery of health care? Then you are asked to consider serving as a Delegate to the Michigan State Medical Society representing Kent County. There are open positions expected in 2011 and your leadership and passion are welcome.

Delegates and Alternate Delegates are encouraged to participate in the annual MSMS House of Delegates, to be held in Kalamazoo, MI on Friday, April 29 on Sunday, May 1, 2001. A maximum of two meetings will be held prior to the House meeting to craft suggested resolutions. Historically, Kent County has had a very strong presence in the process and is recognized as a leader in participation. Contact Patricia Dalton at (616) 458-4157 for additional information.

Open board positions in 2011

The KCMS Board is seeking members interested in serving on the KCMS Board. If you are interested in serving the Membership and provide direction and leadership for a three-year term, please contact the KCMS office at 458-4157 or email us at

The Board meets monthly at 6:30 p.m. in addition to its quarterly Membership meetings and other member events.

Thank you for your consideration.

Remember to pay your dues!

MSMS has sent out dues invoices. Pay your dues by December 31, 2010 and you will receive a voucher for an MSMS CME event! Don't miss out!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

KMF Board welcomes Timothy J. Waalkes

Representing the community, Timothy J. Waalkes was elected to the Board of the Kent Medical Foundation in the fall of 2010. He is an attorney with Vespoor, Waalkes, Lalley, Slotsema & Talen in downtown Grand Rapids.

Mr. Waalkes graduated from Calvin College and Wayne State University. He worked for two firms in the Lansing area before joining the firm in July 2004. He specializes in estate planning, probate administration, business law and general civil litigation.

He has been a member of the Optimist Club of Grand Rapids since 2004. He is a member of the State Bar of Michigan, the Grand Rapids Bar Association, the National Committee for Planned Giving and the West Michigan Estate Planning Council.

We welcome Mr. Waalkes to the Kent Medical Foundation Board.

Dr. Paul Farr

On Wednesday, September 28, Gastroenterologist and KCMS member, Dr. Paul Farr encouraged WLAV Morning Show listeners to schedule a colonoscopy. Radio show DJs, Kevin Mathews and Tim Cusack were enlightened as to the benefits of early detection of colon cancer and colorectal diseases.

Friday, October 1, 2010