Monday, January 30, 2012

109th Annual Meeting

The KCMS Board and Membership would like to thank Dr. Gregory J. Forzley for his leadership and guidance for the year 2011.  Dr. Forzley’s many years of service to Michigan State Medical Society and the KCMS prove his passion for profession and patients served.


Dr. Paul Farr was presented with the MSMS Foundation Community Service Award as nominated by members of KCMS.  Drs. Patrick Droste and David Hammond were each recognized by the members.  Both doctors are term limited on the KCMS Board.  Dr. Droste served as Board President of the KCMS in 2010, and served a total of 5 years on the Board.  Dr. David Hammond was applauded for his seven years of service in the Treasurer role.  The members appreciated his willingness to serve the final year to assist in the transition of the new KCMS Executive Director.

David W. Whalen MD was installed as the 109th President of the Kent County Medical Society.  Members present at the Annual Meeting also voted Jaime Caughran MD and Honorio Valdes-Murua, MD as the newest members of the Board.  The 2012 Board of the KCMS is:

David W. Whalen, MD - President
Phillip G. Wise, MD - President-Elect
Donald P. Condit, MD, MBA - Secretary-Treasurer
Gregory J. Forzley, MD - Immediate Past President
Jaime Caughran, MD - Director 
Adrianna S. Tanner, MD – Director
Honorio Valdes-Murua, MD - Director