Thursday, October 7, 2010

Get involved in changing the future

Are there aspects of medicine that you believe can be improved with the right input by physicians? Do you believe you can help guide future legislative action to make positive change in the delivery of health care? Then you are asked to consider serving as a Delegate to the Michigan State Medical Society representing Kent County. There are open positions expected in 2011 and your leadership and passion are welcome.

Delegates and Alternate Delegates are encouraged to participate in the annual MSMS House of Delegates, to be held in Kalamazoo, MI on Friday, April 29 on Sunday, May 1, 2001. A maximum of two meetings will be held prior to the House meeting to craft suggested resolutions. Historically, Kent County has had a very strong presence in the process and is recognized as a leader in participation. Contact Patricia Dalton at (616) 458-4157 for additional information.